Evropska federacija uporabnikov finančnih storitev (EuroFinuse), katere aktivni član je tudi Vseslovensko združenje malih deležnikov (VZMD), podpira prizadevanja in poziv poslanca Evropskega parlamenta, Svena Giegolda, v okviru projekta »Dangerous Financial Products«, s katerim poziva posameznike, organizacije, podjetja in stroko, naj preko spletnega portala http://www.dangerous-finance.eu sodelujejo pri iskanju najnevarnejšega finančnega produkta.

Več o pozivu in možnostih sodelovanja si lahko preberete v spodnjem pismu ali na navedeni spletni povezavi.

Dear friends, dear colleagues,

I would like to start this year with an interesting project I need your help with. Europe is searching for the most dangerous financial product.

During their establishment in 2011 the new European Supervisory Authorities were given the power to ban certain financial products from the markets. However, this new power has not been used even though it is known that many products are dangerous. Nonetheless, at least the practice of naked short selling could be banned following an initiative of the European Parliament under the surveillance of a Green drafts person by special European legislation.

Some products are opaque and complex and thus threaten consumer protection with concealed risks and high costs. They harm third parties such as the global poor, particularly in developing countries by speculation with food and land. They put the stability of the financial system and sustainable development at risk because in some cases they cannot even be sufficiently analysed by financial markets experts or regulators and because they exacerbate price volatilities (also for currencies, credits, etc.). Other financial products might harm the environment by investments in non-sustainable industries or resource consumption. They might also endanger development policy by channeling funds through tax havens which has severe consequences for much needed revenue, in particular in the developing world but also in Europe.

Therefore, we are launching a competition to find the most harmful and dangerous financial product traded on the markets and want to create publicity and raise awareness. With your input and the help of an expert jury the most dangerous financial product shall be determined and brought to the attention of the supervisory authorities. We then expect them to scrutinize the product and limit its application or ban it totally from the markets if necessary.

We are happy to receive contributions from citizens, organisations, corporations, consumer advocats and financial markets experts via our online platform (http://www.dangerous-finance.eu). All proposals can be discussed in a public forum after expiration of the deadline of submissions on 15 February 2013 on this website. Subsequently, a jury of experts will analyse and rate all proposed products. In a public vote one out of three very harmful financial instruments nominated by the jury will be elected the "winner".

You can join the competition and debates here:


I am looking forward to receiving your submissions and to holding constructive debates - let's work together to make 2013 the year in which the interests of people in developing countries, consumers and our planet prevail over badly regulated financial markets.

In co-operation,

Sven Giegold


Nekaj sorodnih objav VZMD:

BRUSELJ, BRDO - VIDEO REPORTAŽA s 7. Vrha slovenskega gospodarstva ter o podelitvah nagrad »European Public Affairs Awards«, kjer je bil med nominiranci za »NGO of the Year« tudi EuroFinuse z VZMD - Četrtek, 15.11.2012

BRUSELJ - za prestižno evropsko nagrado »Nevladna organizacija leta« nominiran EuroFinuse - na podelitvi ga bo predstavljal predsednik VZMD, tudi spričo odmevne mednarodne konference, ki sta jo EuroFinuse in VZMD organizirala v Ljubljani ob podpori Evropske komisije - Torek, 06.11.2012

Agencija za nadzor finančnih trgov in storitev iz Bruslja (FSMA) izdala opozorilo pred poslovanjem s podjetjem Central & Eastern European Markets Asset Management, ki kot sedež navaja avstrijski Gradec - Sreda, 26.09.2012

EUROSHAREHOLDERS - v Den Haagu Slovenija izvoljena v Izvršni odbor, Rusija in EFES sprejeta v članstvo, Generalnemu sekretarju zaupan še en mandat; prihodnje leto skupščina v Sloveniji Zaostrena stališča v zvezi z reformo finančnih trgov, kot jo predlaga EU Komisija (MiFID 2) - Četrtek, 27.10.2011

REFORMA FINANČNIH TRGOV (MiFID 2) - do predloga EU Komisije podano skupno stališče 4 mio malih vlagateljev, 100.000 investicijskih strokovnjakov, 9.077 delniških družb in 46 trgov vrednostnih papirjev (CFI, FESE, EuroInvestors) Intenzivne mednarodne aktivnosti VZMD danes in jutri na pomembnih skupščinah v Den Haagu - Četrtek, 27.10.2011

EU nadzor finančnih trgov in zaščita investitorjev - prvič v zgodovini predsednik organa EU postal predstavnik uporabnikov finančnih storitev, ne pa ponudnikov oz. finančne industrije - Izvršni direktor EuroInvestors, prijatelj VZMD in Slovenije Guillaume Prache, izvoljen na čelo SMSG - Četrtek, 13.10.2011

EUROSHAREHOLDERS - slovenske družbe preko VZMD tudi na tokratni Generalni skupščini in pomembnih spremljajočih dogodkih - Petek, 04.06.2010

www.vzmd.si - več o VZMD - Vseslovensko združenje malih deležnikov

www.vzmd.tv in www.investo.tv - preko 280 video prispevkov

www.investo.si - več o programu Invest to Slovenia - investo.si

www.investo.international - več o mreži 55 nacionalnih organizacij delničarjev in investitorjev - investo.international