Jutri se bo predsednik VZMD v Bukarešti udeležil Generalne skupščine Euroshareholders, kjer bo predstavil kandidatko Slovenijo oz. status, delovanje, dosežke in vizijo VZMD, ki resno računa na polnopravno članstvo v omenjeni ugledni in vplivni organizacij


Jutri se bo predsednik VZMD udeležil Generalne skupščine Evropskega združenja delničarjev (Euroshareholders'), ki bo tokrat v Bukarešti. Na celodnevnem zasedanju s predvidenimi osemnajstimi točkami dnevnega reda je, poleg številnih pomembnih vprašanj, tudi predstavitev kandidatke Slovenije. Tako bo v sklopu 11. točke dnevnega reda predsednik VZMD mag. Kristjan Verbič predstavil kandidatko za članstvo ter status, delovanje, dosežke in vizijo VZMD (PanSlovenian Shareholders' Association).

Naj spomnimo, da je predsednik VZMD na povabilo Evropskega združenja delničarjev med 19. in 22. julijem mudil v Bruslju. Tam se je sestal z najvišjimi predstavniki tega uglednega in vplivnega združenja ter med drugim prejel vabilo in zagotovila o podpori pri sprejemu v polnopravno članstvo na jutrišnji Generalni skupščini Euroshareholders'.

V nadaljevanju prilagamo vabilo Generalnaga sekretarja Euroshareholders' Jean-Pierre Paelincka ter predvideni dnevni red zasedanja.


Brussels, August 23rd 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Herewith we have pleasure in inviting you to the next General Assembly that will be held in Bucharest on Friday September 22nd.

May I draw your attention to the fact that our general assemblies have now both in contents as at the level of the discussions reached or even overtaken similar events of other European associations. Therefore it is of utmost importance that all national associations would attend and actively participate in the assembly and this includes the afternoon debate for which other speakers than those proposed are of course also welcome.

Jean-Pierre Paelinck



September 21st-23rd, 2006
Bucharest, Romania

September 22nd 2006

10:00 - 10:30   Registration and Welcome Coffee
10:30 - 11:30  Official opening of the Conference
by Peter Paul de Vries, President

1. Approval of the agenda
2. Report on the Board Meeting
3. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of Limassol on June 16th, 2006
4. Programme for 2006-2007
5. General Assembly in Wiesbaden on December 7th: programme
6. General Assembly in Brussels on February 9th: programme
7. Report on participation in European Union expert groups
a. Hedge finds- Ms. Jella Benner- Heinacher
b. Efficiency - Mr. Klaus Struwe
c. Mortgage finance - Mr. Leif Vindevag
8. Round the national associations: activities and major events
9. Update of Euroshareholders website - discussion
10. De-listing paper
11. Presentation of candidate member - Slovenia
12. Cross-border proxy voting by shareholders’ associations

11:30 - 12:00 Press Conference
12:00 - 13:00  Lunch
13:00 - 19:00 General Assembly- continued

13. Legal framework for class actions in Europe European tax policy for securities and other portfolio investments
• ES future approach securities from other countries “Global market portfolio concept”
• Dividend taxation of intra- European shareholdings (double taxation problem)
14. MiFID issues of special importance to private investors
• Fitting into existing local legislation and consumer protection enhancement 
• Grouping of professional investors versus retail investors
• Excessive amount of reporting and scrutiny in fighting white collar crime (including insider transactions)
• Expanded options for MTF:s and "internalization" as alternatives to authorised exchanges/Electronic Communications Networks/Alternative Trading Systems: present day status in Europe
• Creation of low cost and low risk cross border trading
• MiFID rules- shall they cover all types of securities traded on recognized markets
15. Euroshareholders’ strategy in Europe
16. Delisting/ squeeze out- guidelines approval, cases
17. Dates and venues of forthcoming meetings
• 7 December 2006 General Assembly - Wiesbaden
• 9 February 2007 General Assembly - Brussels
• 22 June 2007 General Assembly - Vilnius
• 12 October 2007 General Assembly - Brussels
• Investfest in Banbury in 2008- convention organised by UKSA

Proposed panel structure:

Chair: Peter Paul de Vries
Permanent members: Gratiela Iordache and Leif Vindevag


1. Stock options: Lars-Erik Forsgardh, Gerben Hettinga
Executive pay in the way of stock options. Is it wise to reject equity based pay for executives just because it has been abused?

2. Mergers between stock exchanges: Lars-Erik Forsgardh, Giedrius Steponkus
Are mergers between stock exchanges within Europe and at transatlantic level affecting shareholders interests?

3. Hedge funds: Lars-Erik Forsgardh, Raymond Goebbels
Individual shareholders, as mentioned on the occasion of last GA, should have access to hedge funds, but to which extent this access to risky hedge funds should be legally facilitated?

4. Commodities:  Giedrius Steponkus, Gerben Hettinga
Investments in commodities- to be restricted or to be made available?

5. Special listing compartments: Jaros³aw Dominiak, Maurice Boisdenghien
High risk companies in search of cheap money at special listing compartments of stock exchanges

6. Reliability of rating agencies: Wilhelm Rasinger
Reliability of rating agencies

19:00   End of debate