Predsednik VZMD mag. Kristjan Verbič je 16. julija 2006 prejel uradno vabilo Evropskega združenja delničarjev (Euroshareholders). Vabilo na slavnostno izročitev Statuta VZMD na sedežu Euroshareholders v Bruslju je plod dogovorov in usklajevanj z najvišjimi predstavniki te ugledne in pomembne institucije ter pomeni zeleno luč za včlanitev Slovenije oz. VZMD.



V nadaljevanju sledi vabilo.


Dear Mr. Verbic,


We are looking forward to see you here in Brussels on the occasion of the ceremony of handing over the Statutes of PanSlovenian Shareholders’ Association. Let me use this opportunity to express how welcome your organisation is in Euroshareholders Association.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday, the 20th July at 11 o’clock in our office in Brussels, 76, Rue du Lombard. Please inform the press about that. This event will be followed by the lunch, for which all participants are invited.

The official accession of PanSlovenian Shareholders’ Association has to be confirmed during General Assembly in Bucharest on 22nd September, for which you are of course invited.

We booked a hotel room for you in Bedford Hotel close to the office at the expense of Euroshareholders for the 19th of July. The details of the hotel are as follows: Hotel Bedford Brussels: 135-137, rue du Midi, 1000 Brussels, Tel: +32 2 507 00 00.

As promised we enclose the list of people who have been invited to the ceremony. But please be aware that because of the short notice period most of these people will not be able to come.

In case of any other inquires don’t hesitate to contact us.

Yours Sincerely,

Joanna Tomanek
Aleksandra Palinska

General Secretariat